Ros2 Topics
This chapter outlines the various ros2 topics AQLARP has that you can interact with to adapt the robot to your use case.
Heading topic
Topic name: heading
Package: aqlarp_main
Description: with this topic you can specify where the robot should go to and at what speed. The heading parameters will be limited to a circle of radius one and the rotation parameter will be limited between -1 and 1.
Data type: Heading
float32 x_heading
float32 z_heading
float32 rotation
Power topic
Topic name: power
Package: aqlarp_main
Description: with this topic you can set the power to the servos on or off.
Data type: Boolean
Gyro topic
Topic name: gryo_angles
Package: aqlarp_sensors
Description: all gyro related data is published on this topic, this is published 100 times per second.
Data type: GyroAngles
float32 pitch
float32 roll
float32[3] angular_velocity
float32[3] acceleration
Joint angles topic
Topic name: joint_angles
Package: aqlarp_motors
Description: with this topic you can specify the angles that all servos should be set to.
Data type: JointAngles
float32[12] angles
Disable joints topic
Topic name: disable_joints
Package: aqlarp_motors
Description: power off all servos
Data type: Empty